Monday, July 2, 2012

No bautizamos con agua...bautizamos con FE!

Dear family,
I love you a ton and hope you are having a great time in Nauvoo and that you are learning a lot and feeling the spirit a lot! Don´t have a lot of time because today we are going to explore Buenos Aires. Wish us luck, I hope we don´t get lost!
Guess what? Victor was baptized on Sunday! Wow, it was something special. His two kids were able to go to church with him and it was just so sweet. I don´t remember how much I have said about Victor, but he really is a miracle. We found him about four weeks ago when we went to an appointment that fell through. He was walking out the door as we were standing outside. We started talking to him and he said that he needed something more in his life. We set up an appointment with him for the next day, and when we went there, they said he doesn´t live there. We also tried calling him, but the phone number didn´t exist...classic. We were bummed but didn´t think much of it after that. We told the story to Adriana and Camila and it turns out they know him and a few days later, Camila saw him walking down the street. She started talking to him and asked for his address and phone number. We called him and set up an appointment and...the rest is history! He has two adorable kids, Alexander and Antonela. He said that he has a desire to change his life and be a better father for his kids. He has had to change a lot of things but knows feels so much more peace and happiness now. After his baptism, he bore his testimony, thanking everyone for helping him make this change, and telling his kids that he is going to be a better dad and spend more time with them. He talked about how hard it is sometimes to make this change, but he knows that his Heavenly Father will help him. As he talked we could feel the spirit so strongly. He began to tear up as he spoke. I have learned so much from him in these past few weeks. He has taught me how important it is to be humble. To recognize our faults and weaknesses, but to rely fully on the Lord and confide that he will help us as we make an effort to overcome whatever temptation comes our way.
I love baptisms.
I love you.
Here are some pictures :)
Love, Sister Hill

Leo--cutest little half-argentine, half-peruvian kid

After lunch with the flia Karmanov de Russia...have
I mentioned that people are from all over the place here?

Benjamin (he's going to serve in Vina del Mar), Gabriel, Alex, Antonela,
Victor, Nosotras, Marisol.  (I promise everyone is super happy, I don't
know why people here hardly ever smile for pictures)

Nosotros :)

This is called matambrre.  I'm not sure what kind of meat it is.  I'm not sure
I want to know.  All I know is that it is from a cow...When they first gave
it to me, I thought they said its called mata hambre.  Mata=kill, hambre=hunger.  Jaja.
Hna Sosa explained to me later what it is really called.  But it was actually super rico!

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